Wednesday 7 March 2012

Subjects review

For every semester we have about 4 month. Now, our class will finished as soon and before semester break, we should take examination which is start in 12th March 2012. I feel time went too pass because many memory that happen when first I was here until finished this semester.  Sweet and bitter memories that I had becomE me to look matured. Today, I want to story about my review for subjects this semester.

For the first subject which is BEL311, before this I thought that subject BEL311 is sticky and not important for me. Otherwise, after I learn this subject I realize how important this subject. Our lecture which is Sir Izuan bin Ismail had teach many thing to us. We feel so happy because in this subject we always need to do a lot of term papers. Many new thing that I learn in class. For example create account blog and so on. Before this, I never have own blog, until  Sir Izuan had told to all of us to create blog. For every week, we need to publish new topic that had given by our lecturer. I feel this subject is too relevant in my future career because it improves my language and it is important for me to confidently when communicate with others people using English language. I hope in final exam I will score in this paper. I will put an effort to do better in my examination.

This subject make me phobia and scream! because I had take this subject during semester 2 which is MGT153. It is very difficult to me to score A in examination. I feel very stress when i see the slip that I need to take MGT again. My views regarding on this subject for this semester is fault. This is because I get A in test 1. Starting from the day, my Interested more deep in this subject. Furthermore, our lecturer which is Madam Shaherah binti Abd Malek is very kind person. For every classes, she always give advice and motivation to us about our lives whether in UiTM and outside. I'm very like to hear about her story during she was study once

I really like this subject but for the current semester, the subject like to killer me! The level for the subject is become hard and challenging. Even though the subject is difficult but our lecturer which is Madam Rosmawati give us support. The subject is very help me in future career. I hope can shore 'A' in final examination.

Maf220 is subjects that have to calculate and theory too. For theory, I can't focus because I don't like to read. I only just like to calculate. After learning this subject, clearly it is more to learn about business. The subjects will make us to motivate to open the own business even small business.

The subjects is very difficult to me. I need to remember many thing. I really don't like this subjects. Our lecturer which is Madam Siti Mariam is very help me because she always give motivation to me. It give me spirit to put own effort. I will do the best for final examination.

After learning this subjects, I found it is different from previous ctu. For this semester, we had to learn about to calculate something. Then, we learn about  Bank system through Islam. The subject is very useful in my future career because today the workers from accounting Islam are most required.

The subjects is very enjoy for me. Many thing that had we learn to protect ourselves. Our coaches are very kind and also allow us to consider he is as our father.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

PuPpy lOve

     I'm sure that everyone have own puppy love. The puppy love's story will make us feel happy and sad when we recalled back. I was remember during secondary school, I was in love! At the time, I feel very happy.

    During form 3, our meeting beginning when, I crush him accidentally. Then my book is drop. Quickly, I ask to apologize me but he still nagging. So, I feel very not satisfied and we arguing each other. I know that is my fault, but lets say he just forgive me. Then, the problem will settle right? The boy is very ego. Although, I feel very angry but I can not lie my heart that I fall in love! Love at first sight. He look handsome. His lips, eyes, face will make me crazy thinking about him!

    Since the day, we always meet but still argue each other. Honestly, even though my mouse always say bad things but I can not lie my heart. I was in love. I know that only me have love to him but he not love to me. I realize I'm not suitable with him to being couple.

    One day, during break I was sitting with all my friend. Suddenly he come to me and said want me to become his girlfriend. This is part that I was not forgetful until now. Since the day, we are declare as a couple. Almost everyday we always go to school together. Then, he always give me flowers. Even though, he just pick in the garden but I am very excited. He always said that he love me and wants to married with me when we are finish studying in school.

     Our relationship is going on in very happy. Until one day, I accidentally see him with others girl sit together. They look like couple. I'm very disappointed  and very mad. I also feel jealous too. Quickly, I were come to them and scold. Then, I take decisions to break up. A few day after the incident I my friends told me that the girl is his sibling. I'm feel very embarrassed with my act at the day.

     Now, when I recalled back about my puppy love, I will laugh! The story will make me remember until now. This will become my happy and sad story....

~FiRsT wEeK In UiTM SeGaMaT~

    Hi!! How are you friends? Hope that all of you have a good healthy. Today I want to story about first week in UiTM Segamat. 

     When I arrive in UiTM Segamat, I'm feel so sad because my mum will leave me alone. This is because before this I never stay alone without my mum. All thing that happen I always have beside my mum. Before my mum wants to go home, she advice me to be more independent and know to take care myself. When I go to my room, I found my roommate is very kind. We sleep together in 1 room at the night. At least, This will make me not afraid.

    Along one weeks, everyday I had to wake up at 4.30 am to take bath because we will be gathered in 5.00 am. I had to wake up early than usual because all of us are sharing bathroom together.I don't want to compete when to take bath. We are monitored by GPK(Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej) and facilitator. A few of them are very strict and always nagging. We need to gathered on sharp which is at 5.00 am. If we not sharp on time we all of us will be fine.

    What the funny thing, we should wearing baju kurung and sports shoes. I didn't how ugly all of us wearing like that. We need to wearing like that because they don't want anyone gets injured. This is because we need to walk when go to any place. Besides that, we need to eat quickly. They had set the time only 5 minutes whether to lunch or dinner.

    Almost everyday we had to gathered in hall which is Dewan Sri Temenggung to hear speech about library, UiTM, HEA, HEP and so on. Seriously, I hate all of thing. This are very bored condition. Sometimes we are divided into group to follow all of the activities.

    The things that I never forget is we are divided into course and facilitator bring us to walk around UiTM. Its will make me easy when I want go to anywhere. Until reach in weekend, I want go back to my house because I'm very miss my mum but I can't. I'm very disappointed and sad.

    That's all that I can share with you about all my experience. How about you?   


Sunday 5 February 2012

10 things that i grateful

1. Family.......I have 9 sibling. Which is Salleh, Salzeli, Salzelan, Shah Irwan, Shahri, Fathia, Farahin, Shah Zerin and Ammieza.Even my father and brother had passed away but I'm grateful because I'm still have my mother, sisters and brothers.

2. Islam....When I was born, I'm born as Islam. This is very grateful thing because Islam is true religion. Islam bring people to right path.

3. UiTM Segamat...Before this I had study in Unisel about 1 month. When I know the good news that I get offers to further study in UiTM Segamat, I quit in Unisel.I think, I do a right decision because the cost that I need to study in Unisel is more large than UiTM Segamat. I don't want my mother feel hard to find money.

4. Friends...Friends! I love all my friend. They always helps me when I was in trouble. Furthermore, they always give me advice. Without friends, I feel so sad because I don't know with whom I want to share my problem.

5. Body...I am very so grateful because I was born with enough 
body such as hand, foot, ear, eye and so on. If we look at the people that less ability, I fell so sad. How they want to dependent? So, I'm feel so grateful because Allah is loving.

6. House...I have house to protect me from rain, sunlight, wild animals and so on. Even though, my house is small but I always grateful with what I have. House is also keep memory with my late father and brother.

7. Love...Love will make us feel to be appreciated right? Love is not like boyfriends and girlfriends. For me, love is from Allah and my mother. Before this, my mother always scold me even my fault is small but I know that, she is love me. She wants me to learn from mistake and more independent.I also love my mother.

8. Siblings... Before this, I had thought what will happen if me is a single children in my family, who wants to take care of my mother? So, if I have siblings, they can take care of my mother right? I never thought that 9 siblings is make me uncomfortable. That's will be sure my mother is not unfair with her children but I don't want to take serious in this problem.

9. Malaysia...How good was here! Malaysia is good country. The people is kind. Malaysia also do not have wars like others country such as Iran, Pakistan and so on. Furthermore, people from others country like to travel in Malaysia because Malaysia have a nice places.

10. Healthy... I can go anywhere because I have good healthy. Allah give me a healthy body from sicks. I can do what I want such as dance, sing and travel without needs helps from others people.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

~10 fAcTs aBoUt mE~

            Everyone have own attitude, character and so on. Sometimes, we do not like when someone make something to us. They might don't know about what we like or dislike. Today, I want to story about 10 facts about me.
           I am very likes to eat "mee bandung". The foods like is to appetizing because it contain various type of ingredients such as prawn, eggs, mustard and so on. The place that I always go to eat "mee bandung" is Muar. My mother also can make this food.

           Next, I am very like to the snake. If some places has make shows, I often to follow. People always fear with snake. Actually, its like pets that we can give foods, touch and so on. Before this, I had touch the cobra that had throw away the venom. Its make me excited and feels want to make as pets in house.

        After that, if I go to shopping, I must to find shoes.  If I had interested to the shoes and I will buy although price is expensive. So that, from here you all know that me is a person that . I think many people have attitude same with me right.

       The others facts about me is very cheerful person. I don't like the bored situation that make all people feel stress. It is nothing wrong if some situation that needs we to be serious but when the situation is over, I will come back with my attitude. The gloomy environment will make me are not comfortable.
       Furthermore, I like to play the rough sports such as hockey and rugby. It will make me feel strong and active.Before this, I had play hockey for my school and win as second place. I'm very proud about my achievement.

       Next, everybody call me Tia. Although my given name is Fatiha but my family and close friends call me as Tia. Sometimes others people call me  Fatiha but i prefer that they call me as Tia.

       The others facts about me is I'm very dislike the people that smoking in everywhere. I can't smell the smoke because I have asthma. The smoke will make me cannot breathe perfectly. If I just ignore about the problem, I will death.

        I am very sensitive person. I still remember when my mother had angry with me, I'm very sulk until i don't want to eat and drink. Sometimes, when my friend make me sad, I'm just keep in my heart. Even I keep in my heart but it does not means that I'm keep revenge to them.

        Then, I can remember the people names moments after they tell me. My character is forgetful person. That why I don't like subject LAW240 which is most to remember. I like to subjects that need me to calculate such mathematics and accounting.

          Lastly, I'm very hate that people who disturb me when I have doing my own works. I need to focus when I do something to make my work more quality. When someone disturb me, I became hate to them until hard to forgive them.

         That all my facts. I believe that everyone have facts about their self. That all for today. Thank you!




        A pets is an animal which is kept as a companion rather than for food, security or sport. In Malaysia, the most common pet is the cat. The cat is small, affectionate, and relatively easy to look after. Other common pets are dogs, birds and fish. Some not so common pets would be rabbits, hamsters, terrapins, mice and monkeys.

        Most people do not have clear reasons for having a pet. This is unfortunate because keeping a pet is a commitment. Some people are attracted to cute little kittens and puppies but they forget that the little creatures soon grow into not-so-cute adult animals. Some people like to follow trends. For instance, the latest craze is to keep strange lizards. Many people who buy these expensive lizards soon get bored with them. Yet others have pets because their children want them. Of course, many people keep pets simply because they love animals.

        If you love animals, keeping a pets has many benefits. Most animals are capable of giving us back love and attention. For example, the dog has been  described as man's best friend because it is faithful companion and is loyal to its master whom it will protect with its life. Animals are also known to be able to help sick children, mentally-disturbed patients and lonely old people. Pets can give us joy and keep us entertained with their antics. Some dogs, cats and even birds can be taught to perform clever tricks which are very amusing to watch. Looking after pets also teaches us responsibility.
        On the other hand, keeping pets has its advantages. Looking after a pet is not an easy job. Pets depends on us to feed them, clean them and play with them. Pets can get lost, get hurt or get ill, causing us much worry. Treatment for a sick animal can be expensive.
         Personally, I like animals. I have cats. They give me a lot of joy but they also cause me a lot trouble. I dislike the job of cleaning their litter tray. But I would not give them up for everything.

Keys to Health

     Hi everybody! Hope that you all always have good health.  Nowadays, many people are not care about  their health. Lets we know about keys to stay health. To stay healthy, you need to work on four areas which is exercise, diet, weight control and good health habits.

     Regular exercise is essential for good health. It tones the muscles, strengthens the bones, and makes the heart and lungs work better. Exercise  also helps to relieve stress. The most beneficial type of exercise is aerobics. Aerobic exercise, in the form of jogging, cycling and swimming, strengthens the heart, It is important to choose a form of exercise you enjoy. It could be dancing or just walking. As long as you do it regularly, you will be fit. People who are fit enjoy life more because they can join in any kind of activity.
      To maintain a healthy life, it is necessary to develop good dietary habits. Eat more whole-wheat grains, fruits, vegetables and fish. Decrease intake of animal protein and fats. Use less salt and take at least 1000 mg of calcium a day. Non-fat milk is a good source of calcium. Do not forget to drink at least seven glasses of water a day. Avoid eating junk food or processed food which is high sugar or salt content and has little nutritional value. 

       Developing good health habits is important if you want to keep healthy. Don't smoke, avoid excessive alcohol intake and keep moderate hours. Go to bed early and wake up early. Work hard and play hard too. Avoid stress by exercising and developing hobbies. Have a positive attitude towards people and work. Half-yearly dental check-ups are also necessary to maintain dental health.
        Being overweight can lead to a lot health problems. You can suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, varicose veins and galls bladder disease. Weight control requires conscious effort and self-control. Diet and exercise play the most important role in weight control. Make sure exercise is part of your daily programme. Watch the amount and type of food you eat. Complex carbohydrates are important in a healthy diet.

         Health is pleasurable, ill health is miserable. There are other threats to health but if you remember the points mentioned above, you should enjoy good health!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

~My cLaSsmAtEs~

Hey! today I want to tell about my classmates which is  from class JAC1103B. We are very closely  and always to help each other like a one family.
The picture above is take after we finished class FAR 200 with our lecturer that is Puan Fatimah Alwi.

1. I want to tell about Zai. Zai is my best friend.  We always go to the class and sharing problems together. When I have trouble, she advice me and try to make me happy. During the class, her character will make us laugh. Sometimes she is too serious but her mood will change in short of period of time. Zai also very friendly person until make many students know her. Others than that, she is sensitive too. I still remember that just because I forgot to give her an example of exercise FAR200 then, she became grumble. We already to have friends since part 1. So that, I know many thing of hers behavior.

2. Next, lets we know about the person who is always happy. The name is Maileen. We just call her as Mai or Leen. She from Rawang but born in Sabah. As she told us that she had 14 years live in Rawang.During the class I always see Maileen with Ata always laugh. Sometimes I don't know what the funny story until they can every second laugh.

3. Ata is from Batu Pahat. Ata's name is very unique which is Radin Mohamad Ata and I never found the name before this. This is Ata that I means. It is not strange if people said that Ata and Maileen are very closely like sibling. He is very kind and always teach me when I ask about something.

4. From the picture above, the guy that standing behind is the tallest man in our class. His name is Zallie. He is quiet person and committee in co-curriculum as commander. If you don't believe it, just see in picture above that he is wearing full uniform.

5. Then, the guy that standing in front is Ezad. He is live in Kuala Lumpur. Ezad is clever person. He always

6. The second guy that standing behind Ezad is Naz. He is kind person and looks trendy. I'm still remember, he had wearing blouse and make up his face to participate in contest, he looks like girls. Oh my God !Although, we are grateful that he is man!not women.

7. Then, my next classmates is Hana and is from Johor Bahru. Previously, Hana is not wear a scarf but now she is make changes. She go to class with wearing scarf and we are always want she to do that. She looks more beautiful after wearing scarf.

8. Then, lets we know about Fa'eqa. She is very simple person.  Sometimes, we jogging around UiTM. She also can act many types of character such as sad, angry, excited and so on. This make me laugh with her character. We always make joke.

9. Futhermore, we have classmates that dean list (DL) for every semester. Her name is Faz . She is from Selangor. She are very clever students because able to maintain dean list for every semester. It is very difficult for me to get DL for every semester. So that, i'm very amazed with her ability.

10. Hanif is from Muar, Johor and also DL for every semester. They always teach us if we don't understand about the subjects especially for subjects FAR2OO.

11.Ijat...he is very funny person. His behavior make me laugh. I'm very like to see while he is presented. He can impersonate of others people style.

12. Sam...he is gentleman. Her face always peaceful. When he make joke his face is like nothing going on. That why I say that he is gentleman.

13.Shafiq is handsome one. His body like a model. He is from Seremban. His appearance always follow the trend and tidy.

14. Hafiz is from Batu Pahat, Johor. I never expect his behavior because he character always change based on his mood. So that, I don't want to disturb him when he is in moody but I know that he is very kind person.

15. Next, Acin is a cheerful person. His name Acin is from Yasin. It will be friendly if we call him as Acin. He is easy if we invite him to joke each other. 

16.Izzan is from class JAC1103A. Although he is from different class and just with us in class BEL311, we are assume that he is friend with others. I don't know much about him because I rarely talk with him.

17. Feizel also same with Izzan. I always see that he is playing game in class when we have class in computer lab.

18. Firdaus....not to much i can about he because he is from class JAC1103A.

19. Syed Saufi....he also form class JAC1103A. Same with Firdaus. We just meet them during class BEL 311

20.Lastly, lets we know about Fia. She is very cute person. She has a small body and look like mature. She always have a constant contention about future and not easy to hopeless.
        I hope that we are not end of the relationship when finished study in UiTM. I wish that we still contact even we are not in the same class.I love all my friends. That all for today.

~My Roommates~

Hello!.. Today, I want to story about my roommates. This semester, I stay in Kolej Mutiara which is room 115. The room consists 4 students including me. My roommates names is Kak Mas, Aida and Ika. I feel very happy because they are very kind person.

First at all, lets we talk about Kak Mas. At the first time, when I meet Kak Mas, I thought her age is 18 years old because her face look like younger. Apparently, I was wrong! She is 20 years old. She took diploma in accountancy same with me. Now, she is in part 5. She likes our mother in my room because she always wake us up at 6.00 a.m to pray. Kak Mas always tidy up the room, swept the floor and so on. She always advice me about life in university. I had assume she like my own sisters.

After that, I want to introduce my next roommates which is Aida. Aida is beautiful person. Now, she in part 3 and take same course with me which is accountancy. She also caring and cheerful without ignore any condition and situation. Even, she in trouble but she still can make me laugh with her joke. I am very love she as my best friend because she always hear me during I having a serious problems such as family problem or related with my feeling. Furthermore, she is hold the position in college that is committee member of spirituality.

Finally, my lovely roommate is Ika. For this current semester, she is in part 2 and take course business transport (DBST). Ika is quiet person when dealing with me. We might need time to know each others because she is shy too. Although she is quiet person and shy but she is very kind. For example, she always give us to share her things such as foods, books and so on.

I love all my roommates. They always help me in difficult situations. For example, when I sick they taking care of me. We also always sharing about feeling, foods or whatever to each others.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Subjects This Semester.

Hi everyone! We meet again. Now, I'm in part 3 in UiTM Segamat. I'm very proud because I'm senior but I can't do something with my desire. There is many rules that we must follow up. Today I want to story about my subjects this semester. For this current semester, I take 7 subjects which is BEL311, FAR200, LAW240, MGT162, MAF220, CTU231 and the last one is HBU131.

For the first subject, BEL311 which is English For Academic Purpose. For this subject there is 3 credit units and contact hours is 6. Ours lecture name is Sir Mohd Izuan Bin Ismail. For the first class i saw he is strict person. Sir Izuan had explain to us about assessment. For this subject the total marks is 100% which is on-going assessment is 60% and final examination is 40%. The on-going assessments is an academic writing task is 20%, online quiz is 10% and forum/discussion is 20%. The final exam is 2 reading passage is 20% and 1 writing task based on the 2 reading passage is 20%. BEL260 is the pre-requisite for this course.

Second, FAR200 which is Financial Accounting. The credit unit of this subject is 3 and contact hours is 4. Usually, the class every Monday and Wednesday. This subject is designed to develop the student's skill in preparing financial statements for the various types of business enterprises by applying the accounting principles, concepts and procedures that have been learn. Our lecturer's name is Madam Rosmawati Haron. She is the strict person but very kind. During the first class she gave a lot of homework. I'm feel very stress but practice make perfect. We all very lucky because get the best lecturer. For this subject, on-going assessment is test 1 is 15%, test 2 is 10%, quiz 1 is 2.5% and quiz 2 is 2.5%. For the final examination, the total mark is 70%. This subject is pre-requisite.

Third, LAW240 which is Introduction To Commercial Law. This subject is meant to expose to the students the general overview on the commercial legal environment in Malaysia. The credit unit is 3 and contact hours is 4. The class is every Tuesday and  Thursday. I was thought that the subject is fully reading and memorizes. It's bored subject for me. I will try my best to learn about Law. My lecturer's name is Madam Siti Mariam Binti Atan. She is very kind people and live in Tangkak too.  Same with me. On-going assessments is 40% include assignment and test. For the final examination the total mark is 60%.

Fourth, MAF220 is Cost Accounting 1. The credit unit is 3 and contact hours is 2. Usually, the class at Tuesday and Thursday. The subject is to introduces the basic concept, terminologies, principles and methods of the costs accounting at operational level. I feel so excited because  I like the subjects that have calculation. My lecturer's name is Madam Aryani Abdullah. She always gives advice to we about lives. For this subject the assessment include quizzes is 10%, test 1 is 10%, test 2 is 10% and final examination is 70%.

Fifth, MGT162 which is Fundamentals of Management. This subject is to introduces the various functions of management such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The subject will expose students about management in rapidly changing world, in the context of a free world market economy along with the adaption of information. My lecturer name is  Madam Shaherah Binti Abd Malik. The credit units is 3 and contact hours is 4. Total of the on-going assessment is 40% which is test 1 is 10%, test 2 is 10%, quizzes is 10% and assignments is 10%. After that, the final examination is 60%.

Sixth, the next subject is CTU231 which is Perakaunan Islam. This subject is not just reading and about islamic, but there also have some calculation. Ours lecturer's name is Ustaz Kamarulzaman Sulaiman. I'm very like he because he always smile. His smile will make me peaceful. Furthermore, he like to give us motivation. The motivation is about our life.

Finally is a HBU131 which is Kesatria Negara 3. Actually, the subject is curriculum. I'm took the same curriculum since part 1. We learn about martial arts. I'm feel so enjoyed when learn about this. Moreover, ours coach is very kind person and always caring. He always ask us whether we have any problem or sick. His name is Sir Nasir Bin     .For this subject, the credit unit is 1 and contact hours is 2. Usually, we have class at Friday. The on-going assessment contain Ujian Tempur Tanpa Senjata is 40%, Ujian Kecergasan Asas is 10%, quizzes is 30% and Tugasan is 20%.

I hope that I can do my best for all the subject semester.