Wednesday 29 February 2012

PuPpy lOve

     I'm sure that everyone have own puppy love. The puppy love's story will make us feel happy and sad when we recalled back. I was remember during secondary school, I was in love! At the time, I feel very happy.

    During form 3, our meeting beginning when, I crush him accidentally. Then my book is drop. Quickly, I ask to apologize me but he still nagging. So, I feel very not satisfied and we arguing each other. I know that is my fault, but lets say he just forgive me. Then, the problem will settle right? The boy is very ego. Although, I feel very angry but I can not lie my heart that I fall in love! Love at first sight. He look handsome. His lips, eyes, face will make me crazy thinking about him!

    Since the day, we always meet but still argue each other. Honestly, even though my mouse always say bad things but I can not lie my heart. I was in love. I know that only me have love to him but he not love to me. I realize I'm not suitable with him to being couple.

    One day, during break I was sitting with all my friend. Suddenly he come to me and said want me to become his girlfriend. This is part that I was not forgetful until now. Since the day, we are declare as a couple. Almost everyday we always go to school together. Then, he always give me flowers. Even though, he just pick in the garden but I am very excited. He always said that he love me and wants to married with me when we are finish studying in school.

     Our relationship is going on in very happy. Until one day, I accidentally see him with others girl sit together. They look like couple. I'm very disappointed  and very mad. I also feel jealous too. Quickly, I were come to them and scold. Then, I take decisions to break up. A few day after the incident I my friends told me that the girl is his sibling. I'm feel very embarrassed with my act at the day.

     Now, when I recalled back about my puppy love, I will laugh! The story will make me remember until now. This will become my happy and sad story....

~FiRsT wEeK In UiTM SeGaMaT~

    Hi!! How are you friends? Hope that all of you have a good healthy. Today I want to story about first week in UiTM Segamat. 

     When I arrive in UiTM Segamat, I'm feel so sad because my mum will leave me alone. This is because before this I never stay alone without my mum. All thing that happen I always have beside my mum. Before my mum wants to go home, she advice me to be more independent and know to take care myself. When I go to my room, I found my roommate is very kind. We sleep together in 1 room at the night. At least, This will make me not afraid.

    Along one weeks, everyday I had to wake up at 4.30 am to take bath because we will be gathered in 5.00 am. I had to wake up early than usual because all of us are sharing bathroom together.I don't want to compete when to take bath. We are monitored by GPK(Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej) and facilitator. A few of them are very strict and always nagging. We need to gathered on sharp which is at 5.00 am. If we not sharp on time we all of us will be fine.

    What the funny thing, we should wearing baju kurung and sports shoes. I didn't how ugly all of us wearing like that. We need to wearing like that because they don't want anyone gets injured. This is because we need to walk when go to any place. Besides that, we need to eat quickly. They had set the time only 5 minutes whether to lunch or dinner.

    Almost everyday we had to gathered in hall which is Dewan Sri Temenggung to hear speech about library, UiTM, HEA, HEP and so on. Seriously, I hate all of thing. This are very bored condition. Sometimes we are divided into group to follow all of the activities.

    The things that I never forget is we are divided into course and facilitator bring us to walk around UiTM. Its will make me easy when I want go to anywhere. Until reach in weekend, I want go back to my house because I'm very miss my mum but I can't. I'm very disappointed and sad.

    That's all that I can share with you about all my experience. How about you?   


Sunday 5 February 2012

10 things that i grateful

1. Family.......I have 9 sibling. Which is Salleh, Salzeli, Salzelan, Shah Irwan, Shahri, Fathia, Farahin, Shah Zerin and Ammieza.Even my father and brother had passed away but I'm grateful because I'm still have my mother, sisters and brothers.

2. Islam....When I was born, I'm born as Islam. This is very grateful thing because Islam is true religion. Islam bring people to right path.

3. UiTM Segamat...Before this I had study in Unisel about 1 month. When I know the good news that I get offers to further study in UiTM Segamat, I quit in Unisel.I think, I do a right decision because the cost that I need to study in Unisel is more large than UiTM Segamat. I don't want my mother feel hard to find money.

4. Friends...Friends! I love all my friend. They always helps me when I was in trouble. Furthermore, they always give me advice. Without friends, I feel so sad because I don't know with whom I want to share my problem.

5. Body...I am very so grateful because I was born with enough 
body such as hand, foot, ear, eye and so on. If we look at the people that less ability, I fell so sad. How they want to dependent? So, I'm feel so grateful because Allah is loving.

6. House...I have house to protect me from rain, sunlight, wild animals and so on. Even though, my house is small but I always grateful with what I have. House is also keep memory with my late father and brother.

7. Love...Love will make us feel to be appreciated right? Love is not like boyfriends and girlfriends. For me, love is from Allah and my mother. Before this, my mother always scold me even my fault is small but I know that, she is love me. She wants me to learn from mistake and more independent.I also love my mother.

8. Siblings... Before this, I had thought what will happen if me is a single children in my family, who wants to take care of my mother? So, if I have siblings, they can take care of my mother right? I never thought that 9 siblings is make me uncomfortable. That's will be sure my mother is not unfair with her children but I don't want to take serious in this problem.

9. Malaysia...How good was here! Malaysia is good country. The people is kind. Malaysia also do not have wars like others country such as Iran, Pakistan and so on. Furthermore, people from others country like to travel in Malaysia because Malaysia have a nice places.

10. Healthy... I can go anywhere because I have good healthy. Allah give me a healthy body from sicks. I can do what I want such as dance, sing and travel without needs helps from others people.